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As of January 2024, the Archa Theatre has been transformed into ARCHA+, a multifunctional cultural space open to collaboration with many partners and its own work for the upcoming generation.

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Ondřej Hrab and Jana Svobodová continue their creative activity in the newly founded organization Archa - Centre of Documentary Theatre, z.ú.

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Useless Things

Spielraum Kollektiv


Sunday 20. 11. 2022
large auditorium

Tickets available via Archa Theatre and ► FESTIVAL PASS (6 performances + exhibiton): CZK 600 / students and seniors CZK 300. Each pass holder is guaranteed one seat at each event within the festival. The FESTIVAL PASS is non-transferable.

A multimedia theatrical performance 

The production by the Czech-German association focuses in its original way on the topic of climate change. 

The year is 2500. The research team leads you on an adventurous journey to 2022, a time when dreams have come true... Look with humour five centuries back into the year 2022 and play the role of the inhabitants of the Earth at that time. You have it all and you can have more! A pocket full of junk, a purse, a bag, the living room, the whole house! To have or not to have? Asceticism or dancing on a volcano? Are you innocent victims or ruthless accomplices? What from 2022 will be necessary in ten years, what in five hundred? What's left? Trash or treasure? What about Christmas? Have you bought all your gifts yet? 

Loosely inspired by the Czech cult series Visitors (1986, Ota Hoffman, Jindřich Polák). 

Spielraum Kollektiv is a free theatrical group of creators around Linda Straub and Mathias Straub. They create original productions for the contemporary audience. It mainly focuses on documentary theatre and theatre with ecological themes for adults and on musical material theatre for children. Typical is the search for new possibilities of form and the involvement of the viewer to strengthen the theme, theatrical and non-theatrical interdisciplinarity.



Concept: Linda Straub, Jakub Folvarčný, Mathias Straub, Philipp Schenker, Heda Bayer, Teresa Weiser 
Director:Jakub Folvarčný 
Sets and video projections: Mathias Straub 
Costumes: Barbora Burdová 
Performers: Linda Straub, Philipp Schenker, Hana Malaníková 
Music: Myko 
Light design: Patrik Sedlák 

The project is supported by: Czech-German Future Fund, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Taupunkt e. V., Klub Solitaire e. V., 4+4 Days in Motion, the Archa Theatre and the Prague German Language Theatre Festival, Tandem.

The premiere of the online version was presented by the Akcent Festival during the lockdown on 21 November 2020. 

The premiere of the German version was presented by the Prague German Language Theatre Festival online at the Zábradlí Theatre a week earlier. 

The Useless Things project emerged from the cooperation between Spielraum Kollektiv and Taupunkt e.V. / Off-Bühne Chemnitz and is part of the year-long +3° project, in which Spielraum Kollektiv focuses on the global climate crisis and the main ecological problems associated with it, and looks for different ways of communicating it in artistic form. 


AKCENT festival 2022

International Festival of Documentary Theatre
November 16–27
Archa Theatre, Prague



Experience AKCENT to the fullest with us! With a festival pass, you can visit all performances together for just 600 CZK (300 CZK for students/seniors). 
The festival pass is valid only for you and with it you have a guaranteed place without the need for a reservation at all AKCENT events.  
Available at the Archa Theatre Box Office and online at


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Městská část Praha 1 podporuje celoroční činnost Divadla Archa.

Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti Spielraum Kollektiv – Zbytečnosti

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